About the project

The eco balance of our planet is endangered. Due to progress we produce more and consequently our lives have become better. On the other hand this progress damages our environment and uses up sources of energy. It has taken us a long time to realize what the consequences of our life style have done to the planet. It is time to take responsibility.

Throughout this project the schools will continue mutual friendship which developed during the previous partnership, and try to find common solutions to help making the environment cleaner. We wish our students and their parents to feel more emotional about nature and thus attribute their share to make the environment cleaner.

We will strive to make our students become more environmentally responsible by creative and innovative approaches and exchange of ideas.

Everyone at school will be involved in the project. The environmental education will be planned and integrated. The project’s aim is to increase environmental awareness.

Our project also aims to enable pupils to feel part of a wider European community to give a sense of value to their studies in order to increase their motivation and capacity for learning. It is important to provide children regardless of ability, origin and background, the opportunity to share their cultural experiences through the local community and the wider European community. That enables us to learn despite our differences and we all make up one community that is Europeancommunity. Through this project we intend to get pupils, their parents actively involved in our school life and school development.

An active web site will be prepared and it will be used in each progress of the project. A handbook will be made containing simple words, sentences and some information about both schools.


Through the project students will learn about human influence on nature and ways of becoming active participants in protecting and nurturing the environment they live in. They will learn about:

• waste sorting,

• importance of organic food,

• importance of sport and healty lifestyle.

This project also enables us to continue to share our expertise in the area of education, and mostly to learn about culture of other countries.


The main aim of the project is to raise environmental awarness in children and teenagers, so the protection of nature becomes part of their lives:

  • make the school and its environment clean
  • learn ways to conserve water, energy, manufactured goods
  • learn ways of proper disposal of waste and waste sorting
  • encourage students to recycle and reuse
  • learn about the influence of our lifestyle on nature
  • increase environmental awareness
  • promote humanitarianism
  • intergenerational interaction and learning
  • learn about spending free time in a healthy and active way(reading, sport)
  • learn about organic food
  • build better relationships among students, parents, school and partner school
  • encourage positive emotions about nature in children
  • increase outdoor activities – learning in nature
  • develop children’s sensitivity to human intervention in the environment
  • encourage children to find solutions to environmental problems
  • use ICT technology and create on waste topic through art and writing


To know the similarities and differences between cultures, lives and festivals.

To live an international experience with the international point of view.

To promote understanding and tolerance of other cultures.

To increase factual knowledge of other countries and cultures.


To enable teachers to apply new ideas and initiatives to their own teaching

To enable teachers to share their expertise and collaborate, working towards a more

creative curriculum.


To encourage collaboration between institutions that is lasting and can develop further.

To integrate and embed international studies firmly into the school’s curricula.


To raise awareness of collaborative international projects.

To involve local groups in the project activities.


Ecologically oriented school ties children to the nature. It increases awareness and concern for people and their health, relationships, environment and nature. It teaches students tolerance and appreciation of nature. It gives an opportunity to students and teachers to use the knowledge in everyday situations in and outside the school.

Students, teachers, local people will become aware of their status of European Citizenships.

Participants will enrich their knowledge about other country in terms of traditions, customs, and beliefs.

People and students will become more interested in learning

People will learn to communicate more easily; they will be more easy – going and open –minded.

Students, teachers, local people will learn to accept differences between societies and cultures

Children will be encouraged for research and self – assessment.

Students, teachers and local people will be open to relations with other countries.

(Skupno 131 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)

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